1. The Ladies and Gents schooling classes have been discontinued. Please take advantage of the paid warm-ups for schooling, or enter any class for which you or your horse is eligible.
2. The Stallions, Mares, and Geldings classes will be held on Friday afternoon, NOT Friday morning as has been done in the past. There is a three-horse limit per rider per class in this category. Year-end awards will be given for these 3 classes.
3. IdRHA Novice Horse classes have been divided into Level 1 and Level 2, for both Open and Non-Pro. Please check your horse’s NRHA eligibility before entering. Both levels WILL be awarded a year-end Award. Please note that the Rule Book handed out is incomplete in this regard.
4. Beginning soon the IdRHA will be be able to take credit card payments, we expect this system to be available within the next couple weeks. Be aware that a transaction fee will occur
5. Updates to rules and rule changes are posted on the website under the Rules section
6. Paid warm-ups are scheduled the same as last year (please check the schedule on the Show Bill, available on the Entries page)
7. Our Show Secretary is Jana Day & Co, their phone number is (208) 681-1320, or you can reach them @ [email protected]