Release & Waiver of liability
I understand and am aware of the inherent risks and dangers associated with equine activities. I assume all risks associated with my participation in or at this event and hereby release and hold harmless the Idaho Reining Horse Association, sponsors, and suppliers for the event, their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, cost and expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of my participation in the event, including without limitation, any personal injuries or damage to my property which I may incur as a result of participating in a reining horse class. I have the authority and hereby do, by making this entry, assume responsibility for and bind owner, rider and/or agent to the terms and conditions of this Release and Waiver of Liability. Undersigned has read all NRHA and IdRHA rules and understands them as written. I understand the judges decisions are final.I understand that participating in this event is a privilege, not a right. I hereby consent, on behalf of myself and any persons who are with me, to conduct myself in a manner that upholds the standards of sportsmanship inherent in participation in an NRHA/IdRHA sponsored event. This conduct includes not endangering others in any manner, whether by the performance of my horses, myself, or my personal conduct and language toward any person or entity at this event. Decisions as to violations of this standard will be made at the sole discretion of the IdRHA Board. Your submission of this form constitutes your agreement to this Release and Waiver of Liability.